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StarDriven: Gateway by Rock Manor Games Coming Soon to Gamefound

In a future without energy scarcity, an ancient yet advanced Gateway has been discovered in independent space. Rock Manor Games  is thrilled to announce that the solo, co-op, and competitive 1-4 player board game StarDriven Gateway, will be launching on Gamefound on   October 1st .  We’re commemorating the launch with an animated Saturday Morning cartoon style video to give everyone a taste of the world. The StarDriven universe was originally conceived on a long drive to the Origins Expo over 5 years ago by Todd Walsh ( Set a Watch  series) and Mike Gnade ( Maximum Apocalypse ,  Lawyer Up ). StarDriven: Gateway is the first of 3 planned games in the universe and features incredibly unique and innovative gameplay that thrusts players into the role of commanding the Crew of a Starship. Unlike most games in the genre, each Crew card is unique and your ship is controlled by assigning them to the individual stations. With the discovery of ancient advanced technology, time is ticking for

Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #4 - The End of the Rainbow Review

Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #4 Review

“I don’t know who this broad thinks she is, but I want her deader than my last wife.”

And don’t miss the latest sensational chapter of the CRIMSON CORSAIR, from writer and artist JOHN HIGGINS.

Cover/Solicit - 5/5

- Would I pick-up the comic based on the solicit/cover alone? Are the alternate covers appealing? Does the solicit/cover portray what happens in the issue?

Art - 5/5

- Do I personally like this artist's style? Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?

Colors/Ink/Lettering - 5/5

- Does the work blend well with the artist? Is the coloring/inking enjoyable and easy to distinguish what's happening? Can I easily read the lettering?

Layout/Flow - 4/5

- Does the layout of the issue make it easy to read? Does the issue have a good flow of the plot and keep me engaged?

Story - 4/5

- Weighted Triple. How well did the issue further develop the current story? How well did the issue further develop the characters? Did I enjoy reading the issue?

Verdict - 4.4

- The covers for this series have been great, the colors and psychedelic feel fit the theme well. I also have to give praise to the art in this issue. While you get changing styles throughout the issue they fit the tone and events taking place. The issue picks-up from the last with Laurie crying over he boyfriend leaving, and it is told thru the letter he wrote. It's interesting to see the emotion they put into the book to show how broken she feels. Mason also continues his search for her and runs into a gang trying to clean up loose ends. Upset, Silk Spectre finishes what she should have and puts a stiletto thru the head of the organization's neck, causing him to stumble into the street and get hit by a hippie's bus. I did have a problem with the part where Laurie calls her mom, at first it seemed like her mother was legitimately antagonizing her but as soon as Laurie hangs up she bursts into tears. And again when Laurie returns home she gets the sobs, but immediately her mother wants to antagonize her again, maybe it's my lack of knowledge on Sally Jupiter so maybe this is just her personality. Otherwise this was a great issue and ties up how the Silk Spectre got to New York and joined the Crimebusters. Again I didn't read the Crimson Corsair story, so can't really review it.

Purchase Before Watchmen: Silk Spectre #4 on Amazon


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