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StarDriven: Gateway by Rock Manor Games Coming Soon to Gamefound

In a future without energy scarcity, an ancient yet advanced Gateway has been discovered in independent space. Rock Manor Games  is thrilled to announce that the solo, co-op, and competitive 1-4 player board game StarDriven Gateway, will be launching on Gamefound on   October 1st .  We’re commemorating the launch with an animated Saturday Morning cartoon style video to give everyone a taste of the world. The StarDriven universe was originally conceived on a long drive to the Origins Expo over 5 years ago by Todd Walsh ( Set a Watch  series) and Mike Gnade ( Maximum Apocalypse ,  Lawyer Up ). StarDriven: Gateway is the first of 3 planned games in the universe and features incredibly unique and innovative gameplay that thrusts players into the role of commanding the Crew of a Starship. Unlike most games in the genre, each Crew card is unique and your ship is controlled by assigning them to the individual stations. With the discovery of ancient advanced technology, time is ticking for

Ultimate Comics Ultimates #18 - United We Stand Part Three: We, The People Review

Ultimates #18 Review

Cover - 5/5

- Would I pick-up the comic based on the cover alone? Are the alternate covers appealing? Does the cover portray what happens in the issue?

Art - 5/5

- Do I personally like this artist's style? Does the artist stay true to the characters appearance?

Colors/Ink/Lettering - 5/5

- Does the work blend well with the artist? Is the coloring/inking enjoyable and easy to distinguish what's happening? Can I easily read the lettering?

Layout/Flow - 5/5

- Does the layout of the issue make it easy to read? Does the issue have a good flow of the plot and keep me engaged?

Story - 5/5

- Weighted Triple. How well did the issue further develop the current story? How well did the issue further develop the characters? Did I enjoy reading the issue?

Verdict - 5

- I really enjoy the Ultimate Universe and the twists Marvel adds to these characters. It's also good to read a comic that you know will have lasting and permanent consequences. This issue concludes the United We Stand arc after Captain America becomes president. The beginning of the issue threw me for a second because it had appeared the war was over with HYDRA, while in Ultimate Comics Ultimates #17 - United We Stand Part Two: Hydra War One, Cap was still fighting a mind controlled Thor and his son Modi. We eventually learn it's all a mind game. The issue continues the battle and Modi explains that Steve has always wanted the perfect America under his control, basically a Military Dictatorship. Cap fights the mind control and the Ultimates are eventually able to defeat Modi and free those under his control. There is a small preview of the next villain in the final panels, I'm not sure who it is but there is some type of reactor and you see two glowing eyes and a smile in what appears to be space. Guess I'll have to wait and see next month.


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