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HotShot Pickleball @hspickleball is Live on @kickstarter

Pick Your Pickle and Prepare for Puns: Pickleball's Board Game Just Launched. A fast, fun, irreverent board game that celebrates the joy of Pickleball. Fans of silly puns, pickles, and fast-paced games alike have a new game to add to their list of must-haves: HotShot Pickleball. This delightful card-drawing board game is quick to learn and gives a surprising amount of opportunity to lightly strategize as you race to the ball and attempt to hit it back over the net to your opponent. The debut release from indie studio Midnight Trading Co., HotShot Pickleball was made while game designer Robert Gelb was recovering from an Achilles injury sustained, ironically, by playing Pickleball. For those who haven’t heard of pickleball, it's the fastest-growing sport in the world, with over 32 million players last year. HotShot Pickleball is a lively, family-friendly game that combines the fun of the sport with a cast of quirky, pickle-themed characters like Stew Cumber, Kim Chee, and Corni...

Review: Ultimate Comics Iron Man #3

Ultimate Comics Iron Man #3

Demon in the Armor, Part 3 of 4


Tony and Rhodey against a sky full of Stark drones!

What secret lies in Howard Stark's past, and what does Tony know about it?

Iron Man comes face to face with THE MANDARIN!



See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic

Cover & Solicit 4/5

I like the art of this issues cover, but I really don't care for the imagery. It's just a simple shot of Tony looking at his mask as an homage to Hamlet. The cover also really doesn't fit the issue or the story arc IMO.

Art, Colors & Inking 5/5

I'm really liking the art for this series. The detail is excellent and the colors blend well without loosing anything. I did question the decision on Rhodey's hair but otherwise the art was superb.

Layout & Flow 5/5

This issue didn't have as much pacing issue as the first, and did a good job of jumping from location to location and even flashbacks.

Story 5/5

The plot of the issue continues from where Iron Man #2 ended with Tony and Rhodey fighting a group of Stark Drones that were taken over by the Mandarin. After dispensing the drones Stark reveals that the Mandarin has access to all his tech except his satellite system, which requires his DNA. Stark eventually realizes he knows where the Mandarin Group is and goes to an island owned by his family to investigate. This series has been a great read and the buildup to who or what the Mandarin is in the Ultimate Universe has been great. My only disappointment with only one issue left is if they will reveal if The Mandarin is going to be and individual or just and organization and a facade. Reminds me a bit of Iron Man 3's story at that point. I highly recommend reading this series if you are at all interested in Marvel's Ultimate Universe.

Verdict 4.9

Purchase Ultimate Comics Iron Man #3 on Amazon


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