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@JohnMcCubbin3 Reviews: @Marvel Uncanny X-Men #2, Young Avengers #2, Age of Ultron #1

Uncanny X-Men #2 ComicsYoung Avengers #2 CoverAge of Ultron #1 Cover

Here are today's "Guest Reviews" by John McCubbin from Imagination Centre. Included are Marvel's; Uncanny X-Men #2, Young Avengers #2, & Age of Ultron #1. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Uncanny X-Men #2 - Poink Is the New Bamf

There is a mole on Cyclops' team, but who is it?

When you hunt the UNCANNY X-MEN you use Sentinels, but when you find out WHO'S DOING THE HUNTING your jaw will drop!


New Recruits

I originally wasn't going to get this series, hence the reason I'm reviewing it so late. I did however decide to get it as it had decent reviews, but the main reason was the upcoming Battle of the Atom crossover which features this.


Whilst Emma Frost tries to come to grips with the fact that her powers no longer work properly, Cyclops, and the rest of his X-Men have to introduce the new recruits that they picked up to their school.


This was yet another brilliant issue, and a great continuation of issue 1. Brian Michael Bendis continues to show Cyclops' X-Men in a much different light than the other X-Men from All-New X-Men, with this being a much more serious series, with a much more unique style. This issue, like the last was however still lacking in places, and the series hasn't startled me yet, as although there have been some brilliant action sequences in the last issue, as well as both issues ending with fabulous shocking endings, the series is still lacking a bit in overall quality. Bendis did however do a brilliant job in developing the new mutants that were introduced last issue a bit more, and especially with the dialogue, showing the natural reactions that would come from suddenly becoming a mutant. He also did a decent job of continuing the development of the traitor, as although it wasn't by a great deal, the subtle development made for a perfect set-up for the next stage in this story development. There wasn't any proper action sequences in this issue, and although that wasn't a bad thing, I felt it was worth pointing out. It did however leave less room for excitement, meaning that the dialogue really needed to be interesting, which it gladly was for the most of the issue. There was however still parts that slowed the issue down, and the series still lacks consistent pacing, but overall it shows promise, and I'm sure the pacing problems will be fixed within a couple of issues.

The art was once again decent, but this issue reminded me more of the reasons why I dislike Chris Bachalo's art work. Now his art was still nowhere near as bad as it has been in the past, but the small things started to show through. The main thing that bugged me about Bachalo's art in this issue was how he drew Cyclops out of uniform, as he just looked very unrealistic, as well as looking much younger (almost like a teenager), as well as looking a bit too tin at times. The way he drew the rest of Cyclops' X-Men, who were in uniform was however once again brilliant, and although there was still the odd problem with how people looked from certain angles, overall it was decent. The layout of Bachalo's art was however still brilliant, adding more drama to it, as well as also helping set the mood, with one page showing Emma with her thoughts, that was very eye catching. I also really enjoyed how he drew the layout of the New Charles Xavier School for Mutants, but I'll talk more about that later. His colors where what once again stood out the most from his art, making it much more vibrant, and appealing, whilst also giving the series great tone, and mood.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 5/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 3.9

Young Avengers #2 - DYS

Has Wiccan made a horrible mistake that comes back to bite everyone on their communal posteriors? Spoilers: Yes.

Does this guest star the Uncanny Avengers? Spoilers: Also Yes.

A figure from Loki's past emerges. Friend? Foe? What will it be? Spoilers: It's Foe.

And much more from Marvel's most critically acclaimed book. Yes, we're saying it's critically acclaimed and it's not even out yet. We are very bad.


Parent Issues

I really enjoyed the first issue of this series, and have been looking forward to this issue since. It looks like it's going to be a very fun series, and I hope that it continues to be as good, if not better than the first issue.


Wiccan notices that his spell to bring Hulkling's mother hasn't went as good as he'd hoped when she starts controlling what they do. They need help... from Loki.


I have to be honest I was quite disappointed in this issue. After a decent start I was expecting the series to get better, not worse, but unfortunately it has. The reason I think that caused this issue to be poor was that it only really centered around two of the Young Avengers, three if you count Loki. I've really been looking forward to seeing them as a team, and unfortunately it hasn't happened yet. I do however have to be fair to Kieron Gillen as he's still done a decent job, and it still had some fun moments. I also think that the only real way to progress this type of story is by having a slower paced issue. I do however hope that this isn't a sign of things to come as Gillen's Iron Man series was both very poor, and very inconsistent, hence why I dropped it, and I don't want that happening to this series.

Jamie McKelvie, and Mike Norton's art was once again very good. To be honest unless it said in the credits I wouldn't notice that there was more than one artist on this series, as the artwork looks very consistent. I really think that the cartoon feel really suits this series, as it gives the fun atmosphere that the series needs. The art is also very detailed throughout, and although it's not mind-blowing, it's still very good, and very consistent. I also like the way that the emotion is shown in the artwork, as with the type of story you really need it. The colors from Matthew Wilson were also brilliant, and really helped set the tone, and mood of the series.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 3/5
Story - 3/5

Verdict - 3

Age of Ultron #1 - Book One

For years the heroes of the Marvel Universe have lived in fear that the artificial intelligence known as Ultron would one day evolve to fulfill its desire to wipe out all organic life and take over the Earth -- that day has arrived. This massive 10-part Marvel Universe-spanning event is brought to you by Eisner award-winning writer Brian Michael Bendis and comics legend Bryan Hitch.



The Age of Ultron Has Finally Arrived

I have been looking forward to this story for ages. Ever since it was teased in Avengers #12.1 I have been really looking forward to this story, as I'm a huge fan of Bryan Hitch's art, and I love Ultron as a character. I was however disappointed to notice low ratings on this issue, and was dreading how bad it might be. I still however hope the series good overall.


In an apocalyptic future Ultron rules, and the remaining heroes live underground. Hawkeye goes on a mission to rescue Spider-Man, and runs into Owl , and Hammerhead.


I have to say this issue was nowhere near as good as I'd originally hoped for, but not as bad as I dreaded after seeing other review ratings. Brian Michael Bendis has had an all be it inconsistent run on Avengers since Avengers Disassembled. Overall I have liked his work on Avengers, especially the original series of The New Avengers, and Dark Avengers, but his two series after Siege (Avengers, and New Avengers) were very poor overall. His work on this issue was nothing short of a bit lazy, with Bryan Hitch's art doing most of the work in the story. There's also not been any explanation as to why these events have come to pass, but I'm sure we'll get that later on in the series. It is however nice that Bendis is finishing his run on Avengers the way he started it with a story that involves Ultron.

Byan Hitch's art was fabulous, and the thing that really made this issue as good as it was (which wasn't that good). I've always liked Hitch's art ever since I saw it in The Ultimates, and was very happy when I heard that he'd be working on this series. After hearing how long it took him to actually draw The Ultimates, and after seeing his art in this issue, I can see why it's taken so long to finish, as his art in this is much better than his art in The Ultiamtes. His art is simply amazing, and the detail is phenomenal. I would dread to think how this issue would have been without his artwork, as to be honest it's what's made it as good as it is. The final thing I'll talk about in the art is the cover. I'd already seen the cover before, and think the image is brilliant, showing Ultron standing over the heavy hitting superhumans, with two of the biggest getting taken out easily. What makes the cover even better is that Marvel actually made an effort to make it a bit special. The cover is shinny, with the logo, and Ultron embossed (sticking out), which makes it a lot nicer.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Comic Vine

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 3/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 3

Purchase Uncanny X-Men #2
Purchase Young Avengers #2
Purchase Age of Ultron #1
Purchase Age of Ultron #1 (Variant)
John McCubbin is a blogger at http://imaginationcentre.blogspot.co.uk/ and a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.


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