Here are today's Quick Ratings. Included are Image Comics'; Five Weapons #4, The All-New Secret Skullkickers (#22) #1, East of West #3, and Ten Grand #2. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.
Five Weapons #4 - Nat the Gat
Tyler has to battle the Gun Club, beat the faculty's scheme to expel him and keep his secret identity safe at the school of Five Weapons. Not a problem for Tyler's devious calculations - except this time he doesn't have a plan.
Cover & Solicit 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking 5/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 4.3 - (Buy Five Weapons #4) SAVE 10%
The All-New Secret Skullkickers #1 - Eighty Eyes On An Evil Island Part Four
THE ALL-NEW SECRET SKULLKICKERS: We can't hide the secret any longer! SKULLKICKERS is the most fun adventure comic in the entire industry. Jump on board with this unbooted new first issue and see why! And, for those of you wishing comics kept the original numbering: No problem! Our B cover variant is a legacy-tastic issue twenty-two. P.S. Retailers: Rack this comic beside other 'All-New' or 'Secret' comics you may have at your shop and tell people it's a crossover or alternate universe title.
Cover & Solicit 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking 5/5
Layout & Flow 5/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 4.4 - (Buy The All-New Secret Skullkickers (#22) #1) SAVE 25%
East of West #3 - Three: The House of Mao
Death's reign of terror over THOSE WHO RULE continues, as the forces of the END TIMES continue to work to bring about the Apocalypse. It's the END OF THE WORLD: Someone dies, someone lives, and someone falls in love.
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 4/5
Layout & Flow 5/5
Story 5/5
Verdict 4.4 - (Buy East of West #3) SAVE 10%
Ten Grand #2 - Angels Never Lie
FDA (Federal Demon Association) Advisory. Contents contain: one cult church where incantations are encoded into the playlist; one flesh-dwelling, food-obsessed demon; one seer capable of perceiving the spirit world but blinded to this one; one missing woman; one murder; one angel with an agenda of his own; and one rendezvous between supernatural investigator Joe Fitzgerald and the woman he loves, now deceased, in what may or may not be heaven. Warning: do not operate heavy equipment while reading.
WARNING: Ten Grand is for Mature Readers the preview may contain images unsuitable for some viewers.
Cover & Solicit 3/5
Art, Colors & Inking 2/5
Layout & Flow 4/5
Story 4/5
Verdict 3.3 - (Buy Ten Grand #2) SAVE 10%
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