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Imagination Centre Reviews: @Marvel's Wolverine, Guardians of the Galaxy, Indestructible Hulk, Uncanny X-Men

Here are today's Guest Reviews by John McCubbin from Imagination Centre for Marvel's; Wolverine #7, Guardians of the Galaxy #5, Indestructible Hulk #11, and Uncanny X-Men #9. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Wolverine #7 - Mortal

"Drowning Logan" starts here!

SHIELD agents everywhere, but not a comrade in sight!

Wolverine finds himself trapped on a helicarrier - and it's plunging into the depths of the Atlantic Ocean!


Living with Mortality

This series hasn't quite been as I hoped it would, but it has been interesting, and although it's had a few poor issues it looks to be getting better again. It has also kept my interest all the way through, and although it's not quite paid off yet, I'm hoping that this new story will do.


Wolverine has lost his healing factor, and now he has to spend his life as a mortal, getting used with the fact that he can now die or be killed.


This was an amazing issue, and one of my favorites since the first couple of issues. Paul Cornell has really made an impression with this issue, as although it's still nowhere near perfect, the series has been getting better with over the last few issues. The thing I liked the most about this issue was how Cornell added emotion, as although it may have been a little too much, too soon, it was nice to see that Wolverine had feelings, and was scared. Cornell also added other well known characters to this issue, and although there was probably too many, it was cool to see them. There was also no real action in this issue, and although that did take away from the excitement, it didn't really affect the issue as a whole.

Mirco Pierfederici once again did a decent job of the artwork on this issue, and although I will be happy to see Alan Davis return for the next storyline, Pierfederici did a good job on the three issues he worked on. Pierfederici's strong point on this issue was showing the characters emotions, and especially with Wolverine, as you could easily see the fear in his eyes, and although it may have been just a little over the top, it was nice to see. The detail in Pierfederici's art was also good in this issue, as everything looked brilliant. Pierfederici's art wasn't however perfect, as during the first page Wolverine looked unproportional with his torso seeming much bigger than his head, or legs.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 2/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 3/5
Verdict - 3 - 
(Buy Wolverine #7) SAVE 10%

Guardians of the Galaxy #5

Spinning out of the dramatic conclusion of Age of Ultron, dimensions collide and Heaven's most fearsome Angel pushes the Guardians back on their heels.


What Star-Lord Saw

This has been a very entertaining series, and although it's not quite been as good as I hoped it'd be, it's still been very good, and fun, as well as interesting, and entertaining.


As Angela heads towards Earth, Iron Man (Tony Stark), and Rocket Raccoon fix Tony's armour, whilst Star-Lord (Peter Quill) visits Mantis to get advise on a vision he had.


This was a very good issue, but it was far from perfect. Brian Michael Bendis did a good job of writing this issue, and it was a brilliant start to this new story, but I was at the same time slightly upset that Neil Gaiman would only be consulting, and not co-writing as I though he would be. Bendis did however still do a decent job of this issue, as although it was nothing special it did a good job of introduced Angela to the series, and although this is only really a teaser, it was very well handled. There were also other interesting developments that Bendis handled very well, and although this wasn't as exciting as I initially hoped it would be, it had it's moments, and was suspenseful, and has me interested in what's to come.

Sara Pichelli once again did an excellent job of the artwork, and although she's not quite as good as Steve McNiven was, it was still brilliant. Pichelli especially did a great job of showing the characters emotions, as you could easily tell what the characters were feeling. Pichelli also did a great job of the action in this issue, as although there wasn't a great deal of it, Pichelli made it look very exciting, and I look forward to see it continued into next issue. I also felt that the layouts added more tone, and atmosphere to the issue, as well as adding more depth, and drama, which really helped give more life to the story.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 5/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 5/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5

Verdict - 5 - (Buy Guardians of the Galaxy #5) SAVE 10%

Indestructible Hulk #11 - Agent of T.I.M.E., Part One


Spinning out of the events of Age of Ultron!

Hulk's sent on his most dangerous mission yet, working for a secret subdivision of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

History's breaking--and only the Hulk is strong enough to hold it together!


Saving Time

This has been one of my favorite series from Marvel, producing some seriously consistent work. It has also given some amazing stories, as well as taken Hulk in a new, unique direction, which works perfectly for his character.


After a run in with the Sons of the Serpent, Bruce Banner is taken to an agency called T.I.M.E. to help with the recent problems that time travel has caused.


This was a phenomenal issue, and one of the best in the series, as well as the best from the last few issues. Mark Waid continues to build on this amazing run, setting up a story which looks into the affects of Age of Ultron perfectly. I also felt that for a set-up issue that it managed to be very suspenseful, and exciting, as well as dramatic, as although I've read some brilliant set-up issues, this is one of the best in recent history. Waid also did a great job of adding mystery to the storyline, as with multiple possible changes it should be interesting to see exactly what will change in the Hulk's world, though I hope it's nothing terrible.

Matteo Scalera once again produced amazing artwork on this issue, and it has really started to grow on me, with this being the best he's produced so far. The detail in Scalera's art is simply outstanding, and he has also really improved on his layouts, as although they were good in the last couple of issues, they were much more dynamic in this issue, adding depth, as well as more drama to the story. Scalera also drew an amazing action sequence in this issue, and seeing Hulk fight on a plane was simply magical, and expertly handled. I also loved how Scalera managed to show the suspense, and atmosphere with the facial features of the characters, adding even more tone, and depth to the issue.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 4.3
 - (Buy Indestructible Hulk #11) SAVE 10%

Uncanny X-Men #9

One mutant learns that once you leave the X-Men, the real world can be a punishing place.

Another new mutant learns just what it means to be an X-Man.

And Magneto isn't the only mutant working with SHIELD. What mystery mutant has taken up with the espionage agency keeping tabs on the X-Men?


Dazzler Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

This has been an amazing series, which surprised me, as I was sceptical about it, not getting it at first. It has however amazed me, as although it's not always been consistent, it's always been good, and I look forward to seeing how it's developed leading to Battle of the Atom.


S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newest agent, Dazzler pays Fabio Medina and his family a visit, hoping to get information on Cyclops's location.


This was an outstanding issue, and the best from the last few issues. Brian Michael Bendis has done a fantastic job with this series, and he has proven to be the breath of fresh air that the X-Men have needed, producing stellar work on both this series, and All-New X-Men. With this issue I felt that Bendis did an excellent job of balancing everything, having enough action, whilst adding the right amount of development. He also wrote outstanding dialogue, which was extremely interesting, and at times entertaining. I do however still feel that for most of this series that Bendis hasn't quite found that high note, as phenomenal issues have been put down a peg for minor reasons.

The art from Chris Bachalo was once again brilliant, and although I doubt I will ever become a true fan of his artwork, I have been enjoying it on this series so far. Once again one of the best things about Bachalo's art is his layouts, which are so dynamic, with plenty of depth, also adding drama. There were however a couple of things that really bugged me about Bachalo's art this time round, and the main thing was that certain characters looked weird at times, with Cyclops appearing to have a Hulk sized neck at one point. Bachalo's colours were however once again amazing, and the best thing about his art, adding brilliant tone, as well as more depth.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

My Rating

Cover & Solicit - 5/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 5/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 5
 - (Pre-Order Uncanny X-Men Prem HC Vol. 2 Broken) SAVE 20%

Purchase Marvel Comics
John McCubbin is a blogger at http://imaginationcentre.blogspot.co.uk/ and a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.


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