Here are today's Guest Reviews by Anj from Supergirl Comic Box Commentary for DC's; Action Comics #23.2 (Zod #1), and Superman #23.2 (Brainiac #1). I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.
Action Comics #23.2 - Zod
General Zod storms into The New 52! Witness the origin of this genocidal maniac, and learn how far he will go to destroy those who oppose him!
Zod #1
Action Comics #23.2 Zod came out last week revealing the history of the Phantom Zone villain in gruesome detail. Writer Greg Pak and artist Ken Lashley show us how Zod became the violent and unhinged person he is.
It is an interesting take on Zod, starting in his childhood and showing how an early tragedy sets him on a path of death and destruction. Prior to this, I have felt that Zod has always been shown to simply be a power-hungry fascist. Here we see the seeds that led him there.
And, unfortunately, the deconstruction of Zor-El continues here as Kara's father again is involved (albeit unknowingly) in something nefarious. With Zor-El this badly damaged, there won't be a 'kryptonite poisoning, it was all a hallucination' magic wand to save his character. Was there some Superman team meeting where all the creators said 'let's blame it all on Zor-El?'
Still, Pak does a good job of getting us into Zod's head, showing us just how scary a character he is. And Lashley's art is scratchy enough to make me feel a little out of sorts, something which worked well with the story.
My Rating
Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 4/5
Layout & Flow - 5/5
Story - 5/5
Verdict - 4.6 - (Buy Action Comics #23.2) SAVE 10%
Superman #23.2 - Recollection
Brainiac was the first adversary Superman fought on Earth, but where did he come from? A lineage that spans the universe holds many secrets when we ask, “Who is Brainiac?”
Brainiac #1
Superman #23.2 Brainiac came out this week and was another satisfying issue released during Villain's Month.
Writer Tony Bedard weaves a very good origin story for Brainiac, bringing in elements of his classic history while rectifying and explaining how The Collector in Grant Morrison's Action Comics run is linked to the villain. Brainiac was the name of Krypton's A.I. Brainiac classically isn't the centipede like creature we saw in Action. So how did it all mesh? Bedard explains it and in a way that is extremely palatable since it riffs on the revelations about Brainiac during his time on Action Comics.
Moreover, there is sort of a 'through a mirror darkly' comparison to Vril Dox and Jor-El which brings another dimension to this origin story. Brainiac is Jor-El gone wrong in many ways. There is even a sort of echo of the current Zor-El as well.
Pascal Alixe does the artwork on the issue and brings a very polished penciled look to the book. From the high-tech land of Colu to the steampunk feel of the world Noma, site of this issue, Alixe really brings a great flair to the story. There is a sort of Gray Frank vibe here, just enough to remind me of Frank's art but being unique enough to be its own work. I wouldn't mind seeing Alixe on a monthly book.
My Rating
Cover & Solicit - 4/5
Art, Colors & Inking - 3/5
Layout & Flow - 4/5
Story - 4/5
Verdict - 3.7 - (Buy Superman #23.2) SAVE 10%
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