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StarDriven: Gateway by Rock Manor Games Coming Soon to Gamefound

In a future without energy scarcity, an ancient yet advanced Gateway has been discovered in independent space. Rock Manor Games  is thrilled to announce that the solo, co-op, and competitive 1-4 player board game StarDriven Gateway, will be launching on Gamefound on   October 1st .  We’re commemorating the launch with an animated Saturday Morning cartoon style video to give everyone a taste of the world. The StarDriven universe was originally conceived on a long drive to the Origins Expo over 5 years ago by Todd Walsh ( Set a Watch  series) and Mike Gnade ( Maximum Apocalypse ,  Lawyer Up ). StarDriven: Gateway is the first of 3 planned games in the universe and features incredibly unique and innovative gameplay that thrusts players into the role of commanding the Crew of a Starship. Unlike most games in the genre, each Crew card is unique and your ship is controlled by assigning them to the individual stations. With the discovery of ancient advanced technology, time is ticking for

Imagination Centre Reviews @Marvel Cataclysm #0.1

Here is today's Guest Reviews by John McCubbin from Imagination Centre for Marvel's Cataclysm #0.1. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Cataclysm #0.1 - Vision

From the fringes of space and time comes the dreaded Galactus, prepared to feast on the Ultimate Universe! With an entire universe full of new planets to devour, it’s up to the Ultimates to stop him from the catastrophic destruction of their entire universe!

Plus, don’t miss the return of fan-favorite Ultimate Vision as she makes a desperate, last-ditch attempt to stop Galactus and the Gah Lak Tus swarm! But is she enough to stop the coming of the dreaded Devourer of Worlds? Witness the beginning of the end in Cataclysm 0.1!


Do Synthezoid Dream of Electric Sheep?

I have been a huge fan of the Ultimate Universe since it started, and am slight saddened at the thought of it ending. It is however a thing that I felt was inevitable as Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man has been the only series to remain good, with Ultimate Comics: Ultimates and Ultimate Comics: X-Men both being rather inconsistent. I am however looking forward to seeing how it ends.


As Vision realizes that Galactus is not dead she goes off to face him, but warns Falcon and the other heroes to be prepared in case she fails.


This was a brilliant issue, and a nice prequel to the Cataclysm event, as although not really essential, it was still a fantastic issue. Joshua Hale Fialkov did an outstanding job of giving us a nice emotional set-up for Cataclysm, as although it didn't do a great lot for the events itself, it was still a brilliantly written issue, and to be fair do we really want a prequel that prevents the first issue from being new reader friendly. Fialkov would also do a terrific job of adding a lot of tone to this issue, as bar the amazing drama and suspense there would also be a brilliant atmosphere to the issue. There'd also be a bit of excitement in this issue as well, which was handled perfectly, but overall the issue was more emotionally driven.

The artwork on this issue was also outstanding and Mico Suayan, Mirco Pierfederici and Leonard Kirk all did an amazing job. Now usually I dislike multiple artists on the same issue, but this time not so much, as although the differences in their artwork was noticeable, due to their styles being fairly similar it wasn't quite as noticeable as some of the multiple artists issues you see, flowing very smoothly between each other. I also loved the high level of detail that all the artists produced on this issue, with some amazing layouts that added a lot of depth to the issue. On top of that the artists showed the character emotions perfectly, and especially on Vision which wouldn't have been easy due to her being a robot.

Read the rest of John McCubin's Review on Imagination Centre

Images Unplugged Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3
Art, Colors & Inking - 4
Layout & Flow - 4
Story - 5
Verdict - 4.3 (8.5/10) - 
(Buy Cataclysm) SAVE 10%

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John McCubbin is a blogger at http://imaginationcentre.blogspot.co.uk/ and a comic book reviewer at Comic Vine. The use of this review has been authorized by the original author.


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