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StarDriven: Gateway by Rock Manor Games Coming Soon to Gamefound

In a future without energy scarcity, an ancient yet advanced Gateway has been discovered in independent space. Rock Manor Games  is thrilled to announce that the solo, co-op, and competitive 1-4 player board game StarDriven Gateway, will be launching on Gamefound on   October 1st .  We’re commemorating the launch with an animated Saturday Morning cartoon style video to give everyone a taste of the world. The StarDriven universe was originally conceived on a long drive to the Origins Expo over 5 years ago by Todd Walsh ( Set a Watch  series) and Mike Gnade ( Maximum Apocalypse ,  Lawyer Up ). StarDriven: Gateway is the first of 3 planned games in the universe and features incredibly unique and innovative gameplay that thrusts players into the role of commanding the Crew of a Starship. Unlike most games in the genre, each Crew card is unique and your ship is controlled by assigning them to the individual stations. With the discovery of ancient advanced technology, time is ticking for

Supergirl Comic Box Commentary Reviews @DCComics Action Comics #25

Here is today's Guest Reviews by Anj from Supergirl Comic Box Commentary for DC's Action Comics #25. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Action Comics #25 - Zero Year: Stormbreaker; Lunch Break

This BATMAN: ZERO YEAR tie-in features the reintroduction of a major character! A cocky young Superman battles the forces of nature to save Gotham City, while a woman from his past tries to do the same thing on a smaller scale. But both are headed for a collision course...


Krypton Returns

When the new creative team of writer Greg Pak and artist Aaron Kuder was announced for Action Comics, I actually felt some optimism. And optimism with the DC Comics has been a rare commodity these days. I didn't know Pak's Marvel work too much but had thoroughly enjoyed the Batman/Superman work and people whose opinion I trust talked him up. And I enjoyed Kuder's Quietly-like art since I first saw it in Legion Lost.

Action Comics #25 came out this week and amazingly it lived up to my optimistic expectations. It isn't easy to do that. Tied into the Batman Zero Year event, this is a flashback story to the 't-shirt and jeans' Superman from Morrison's Action run, a younger, brasher, and in this story almost sadistic Superman. But Pak uses this story as a teachable moment for Clark, a time to reflect on his Smallville roots, recognize his limitations, and maybe turn the corner towards the more inspirational hero we eventually see in Superman.

But perhaps the biggest revelation in this book is the reintroduction of Lana Lang into the DC Universe. We saw a few peeks in Morrison's and Fisch's stories. But otherwise we she is still a mystery in the New 52. I have to say, I love Pak's take on her. She is strong and heroic, doing her best to help people, and working as an electrical engineer! I guess you can take people out of Smallville but you can't take the Smallville out of people.

As for Kuder, he really shines here, with great page layouts, imaginative panel shapes, and bringing this story the power it deserves.

Read the rest of Anj's review on Supergirl Comic Box Commentary

Images Unplugged Rating

Cover & Solicit - 3
Art, Colors & Inking - 3
Layout & Flow - 4
Story - 4
Verdict - 3.6 (7/10)
 - (Buy Action Comics) SAVE 10%

Purchase DC Comics
Anj is a blogger at http://comicboxcommentary.blogspot.com/The use of these reviews has been authorized by the original author.


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