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StarDriven: Gateway by Rock Manor Games Coming Soon to Gamefound

In a future without energy scarcity, an ancient yet advanced Gateway has been discovered in independent space. Rock Manor Games  is thrilled to announce that the solo, co-op, and competitive 1-4 player board game StarDriven Gateway, will be launching on Gamefound on   October 1st .  We’re commemorating the launch with an animated Saturday Morning cartoon style video to give everyone a taste of the world. The StarDriven universe was originally conceived on a long drive to the Origins Expo over 5 years ago by Todd Walsh ( Set a Watch  series) and Mike Gnade ( Maximum Apocalypse ,  Lawyer Up ). StarDriven: Gateway is the first of 3 planned games in the universe and features incredibly unique and innovative gameplay that thrusts players into the role of commanding the Crew of a Starship. Unlike most games in the genre, each Crew card is unique and your ship is controlled by assigning them to the individual stations. With the discovery of ancient advanced technology, time is ticking for

Spider-Man Crawspace Reviews @Marvel Scarlet Spider #25

Here is today's Guest Review from the guys at Spider-Man Crawlspace for Marvel's Scarlet Spider #25. I have also added my rating after each review. If you have any questions about my rating or want to discuss anything just leave me a comment.

See the Review Rating Overview page for more information on how I rate each comic.

Scarlet Spider #25 - Hands Covered In Blood Part 2


It's over. Kaine did his best to be a hero. He failed.

What about Houston?! Who lives? Who dies? Is there a place for the Scarlet Spider in this world? The answers will surprise you.

Two years and 25 issues have led to THIS! Guest starring: MEXICO!


The end of the road

Rarely have I met an issue that is such a dichotomy. Good writing meets glaring production errors all smashing together into one rushed finale for a book that deserved better.

Before anything else I have to address the incredibly poor production of this issue. First and foremost I must question why the price was raised to $3.99. This entire series to this point has been $2.99 per issue and this issue was even solicited at $2.99. I would understand if it was an extra-sized finale, but it’s not. I counted and there are only 20 story pages like any other issue of the series. So this smacks of a cynical staff that knows the regular readers are going to pick up the final issue no matter what and decided they’d take the opportunity to squeeze another buck out of them. It rather feels like getting slapped in the face right at your LCS counter before you ever even open the issue.

The biggest, most glaring and distracting errors in this issue come in the scene when everyone is falling from the building and Kaine’s trying to save them. 1) Aracely’s name is misspelled as “Arecely” twice in one page. 2) She is evidently in two places at once when Kaine’s narration reads “Arecely is closest, then Wally. Arecely and Annabelle, they’re too far away.” Aracely is actually in his arms for the second sentence when he says she’s too far away. It’s actually Annabelle and Zoe who are too far away, but who can blame Kaine for the mistake when none of us would remember Zoe’s name, either? 3) When Kaine and Aracely are on the ground and Annabelle and Zoe are stuck in the air in Kaine’s web, Aracely all of a sudden turns into Annabelle in the art of one panel, and it’s in a panel when she happens to be referring to Annabelle by name.

Then there’s Burnham’s name on the cover but not credited inside the issue. Now, considering the general level of writing in this issue is higher than we’ve seen on the past several issues with Erik Burnham as co-writer, I’m given to believe the inside page that claims Chistopher Yost as the sole writer. But it’s just another example of the quick and shoddy production of the issue that Burnham’s name wound up on the cover (and if I’m wrong and he actually did co-write, it’s a much bigger error to have left him off the inside credits page).

Read the rest of the Review at Spider-Man Crawlspace

Images Unplugged Rating

Cover & Solicit - 4
Art, Colors & Inking - 4
Layout & Flow - 4
Story - 4
Verdict - 4 (8/10) - 
(Buy Scarlet Spider) SAVE 10%

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