Niantic has been teasing for the past 24 hours of a new Red Egg that would be appearing in Pokemon GO. Today they have officially announced the new Strange Eggs being added and will contain Poison-type, Dark-type, and Pokémon that can be one of these types via Evolution including Larvitar, Scraggy, Trubbish, Vullaby, Sandile, Pawniard, Deino and more. In addition a Strange Eggs Event will be running from October 12th until October 19th.
Update: Niantic has added stickers of the Team GO Rocket Leaders. When you defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader, you will receive a special Sticker.
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader to receive a Strange Egg, and walk 12 km to hatch it. You’ll need to have space in your Egg inventory before your battle with Sierra, Cliff, or Arlo in order to receive a Strange Egg. Strange Eggs will continue to be available in Pokémon GO after the event ends.
- Eggs in Incubators will require 1/4 hatch distance
- A new Team GO Rocket Special Research with final battle with Giovanni
- Poison-type and Dark-type Pokémon more often in the wild
- Spinarak, Houndour, Poochyena, Gulpin, Stunky, Purrloin and more
- Team GO Rocket will take over more PokéStops and Air Balloons appearing more often
- Take a snapshot to have a Team GO Rocket Grunt appear in the photo and a Pokémon spawn
- Nidoran♀, Nidoran♂, Vulpix, Oddish or Seedot
- New Team GO Rocket Leader avatar items are in the shop
- New Grunt Shadow Pokémon
- Diglett, Shellder, Slowpoke,, Aerodactyl, and Skarmory.
- New Team GO Rocket Leaders Shadow Pokémon
- Shadow Growlithe, Shadow Drowzee, and Shadow Omanyte including Shiny versions
- Defeat Giovanni for Shadow Mewtwo
- Raids will update for the event
Field Research
- Catch 5 Dark-type Pokemon: Razz Berry x5
- Catch 5 Poison-type Pokemon: Pinap Berry x5
Special Research
An Inter-egg-sting Development
Task 1/6
- Spin 5 Poké Stops: Stardust x500
- Defeat 3 Team GO Rocket Grunts: Stardust x500
- Catch 1 Shadow Pokémon: Meowth Encounter
- Final: Stardust x500, Poké Ball x10, Razz Berry x10
Task 2/6
- Catch 5 Shadow Pokémon: 750 XP
- Make 3 Nice Curball Throws in a row: 750 XP
- Purify 5 Shadow Pokémon: 750 XP
- Final: Stardust x1500, Great Ball x10, Larvitar Encounter
Task 3/6
- Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times: 1000 XP
- Hatch 3 Eggs: 1000 XP
- Earn 5 Candies walking with your buddy: 1000 XP
- Final: Stardust x1500, Golden Razz Berry x3, Toxicroak Encounter
Task 4/6
- Defeat Team GO Rocket Leader Arlo: 1250 XP
- Defeat Team GO Rocket Leader Cliff: 1250 XP
- Defeat Team GO Rocekt Leader Sierra: 1250XP
- Final: Super Potion x5, Super Rocket Radar x1, Revive x3
Task 5/6- Find the Team GO Rocket Boss: Stardust x2500
- Battle the Team GO Rocket Boss: 1500 XP
- Defeat the Team GO Rocket Boss: Silver Pinap x3
- Final: Stardust x3000, Charged TM x1, Fast TM x1
Task 6/6- Claim Reward: 2000 XP
- Claim Reward: 2000 XP
- Claim Reward: 2000 XP
- Final: Max Revive x3, Ultra Ball x30, Elite Charged TM x1
Mega Raids
5 Star Raid
3 Star Raids
- Nidoking
- Weezing
- Mawile
- Crawdaunt
1 Star Raids
- Alolna Grimer
- Sneasel
- Skorupi
- Croagunk
- Klink
Infographics by @coupleofgaming
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