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HotShot Pickleball @hspickleball is Live on @kickstarter

Pick Your Pickle and Prepare for Puns: Pickleball's Board Game Just Launched. A fast, fun, irreverent board game that celebrates the joy of Pickleball. Fans of silly puns, pickles, and fast-paced games alike have a new game to add to their list of must-haves: HotShot Pickleball. This delightful card-drawing board game is quick to learn and gives a surprising amount of opportunity to lightly strategize as you race to the ball and attempt to hit it back over the net to your opponent. The debut release from indie studio Midnight Trading Co., HotShot Pickleball was made while game designer Robert Gelb was recovering from an Achilles injury sustained, ironically, by playing Pickleball. For those who haven’t heard of pickleball, it's the fastest-growing sport in the world, with over 32 million players last year. HotShot Pickleball is a lively, family-friendly game that combines the fun of the sport with a cast of quirky, pickle-themed characters like Stew Cumber, Kim Chee, and Corni...

Pokémon GO: Battle League Season 6 Cups and Rank Updates

Niantic has announced the Season of Celebration event and the start of Season 6 of Pokémon GO Battle League. Starting November 30th players will be able to participate in Season 6.

End-of-season rewards for Season 5 will be available on the Battle screen, including an Elite Charged TM for players who reached rank 7 or higher.

Season 6 Cups

Season 6 will include special theme cups instead of the normal Great League, Ultra League and Master League.

  • Great League Cup: November 30th to December 14th
  • Ultra League and Premier Cup: December 14th to December 28th
  • Master League, Premier Cup, Master League Classic, and Holiday Cup: December 28th to January 4th
    • Only Pokémon that haven’t been powered up with Candy XL are allowed in the Master League Classic
    • Only Normal, Grass, Electric, Ice, Flying, and Ghost types with a CP of 1,500 and lower will be allowed in the Holiday Cup
    • Players earn twice the Stardust for winning battles and completing battle sets
  • All three Leagues and Ultra League Premier Cup: January 4th to January 11th

Season 6 Ranks and Rewards

The rank-reward system has been updated.
  • The number of ranks have been increased from 10 to 24. Ranks 1 to 20 are obtained by participating in battles. The top four ranks by reaching a certain rating.
    • Ace: 2,000
    • Veteran: 2,500
    • Expert: 2,750
    • Legend: 3,000
  • Rewards are unique to each rank.
    • Rank 5: The rewards will be mystery items.
    • Rank 10: The rewards will be Stardust and Pikachu Libre avatar items.
    • Rank 15: The rewards will be Rare Candies.
    • Rank 19: The rewards will be Pokémon encounters.
  • Items and Pokémon inspired from Pokémon Black and White will be available.
    • Trainers who reach Legend rank will earn avatar items and a pose.
    • The Pokémon reward encounters will be N's Pokémon.
    • Players who reach rank 20 can encounter the Legendary Pokémon that is available in five-star raids at that time.
  • Based on your rank guaranteed Pokémon will be available in Encounters
    • Various Ranks: First partner Pokémon from various regions.
    • Rank 16+: Chespin
    • Rank 17+: Fennekin
    • Rank 18+: Froakie
    • Rank 20+: Surprise Pokémon during the second half of Season 6
    • Legend Rank: Pikachu Libre


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