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Wacky Wizard Games Imprint and Three New Games Announced by @wwizardgames

Wise Wizard Games announced the launch of Wacky Wizard Games, a new brand imprint focused on family-friendly, lightweight games. Three games are planned for release in 2024 as part of this new brand imprint: Star Realms Academy, Caution Signs, and Pack the Essentials. If you are interested and attending PAX Unplugged they will have prototypes of Caution Signs and Pack the Essentials. "We are super excited to be adding this new family friendly product line to our catalog. We wanted to maintain the focus of Wise Wizard Games on strategy card and dice games with geeky themes, and have created Wacky Wizard Games as an umbrella for lightweight games with a more whimsical, cute vibe," shared Debbie Moynihan, COO of Wise Wizard Games. Star Realms Academy Forge your own star realms, overloaded with cuteness! A kid friendly but still fun for grown-ups version of the popular Star Realms deckbuilding game for 2 players. A little less math, no reading necessary, but still tons of fun! 

Pokémon x Mister Donut Collaboration 2020

Similar to last years event, The Pokémon Company and Mister Donut will be having another Collaboration in Japan. The event starts November 13th and features donuts and beverages inspired by Pokémon. In addition similar to last year packages will be offered where customers can obtain Pokémon x Mister Donut Lucky Collection merchandise.

  • Pikachu Pudding Donut (¥240 JPY)
    • "Reproduce the popular Pikachu with donuts! Yeast dough with custard whipped cream is coated with pudding-flavored chocolate this year. Pikachu donuts with glittering eyes and moisturized eyes also appear!"
  • Chansey Lucky Donut (¥240 JPY)
    • "Pokémon that carries happiness Reproduce lucky with donuts! Strawberry chocolate is coated on the yeast dough. I was lucky to have a cute pon de ring fabric and chocolate ears."
  • Strawberry Glaze Poké Ball (¥200 JPY)
    • "Put whipped cream in the chewy choux pastry and coat it with strawberry-flavored glaze. Three-dimensional feeling like a Poké Ball!"
  • Chocolate Glaze Ultra Ball (¥200 JPY)
    • "Put custard whipped cream in the chewy choux pastry and coat it with chocolate. Image of hyperball with yellow icing. A three-dimensional effect like a Ultra Ball!"


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