HotShot Pickleball @hspickleball is Live on @kickstarter

A pretty reliable source for Funko leaks, @OfficialPokePOP has revealed some upcoming Pokémon Pop! figures for 2021.
Included are two Silver Metallic figures for Pokémon's 25th Anniversary, also known as the Silver Anniversary. Official Poké POP says these are listed as commons and should be available everyone including Amazon.
An image of the first wave featuring Ponyta, Mew, Silver Metallic Pikachu, and Raichu is now available thanks to @anerdydad. @OfficialPokePOP has also revealed the Box art which features the 25th Anniversary Logo on the Pikachu Box.
These are now available for pre-order on Amazon for $10.99 USD. They list a release date of March 18th while GameStop lists February 9th but is charging $11.99 and is having issues with their shipping calculator on pre-orders.
The first reveal is Meowth, Attack Pose Pikachu, Silver Metallic Bulbasaur, and Psyduck.
These are now available for pre-order on Amazon for $10.99 USD.
The second reveals is from a few months ago and was Mew, Raichu, Ponyta, and Silver Metallic Pikachu.
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