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HotShot Pickleball @hspickleball is Live on @kickstarter

Pick Your Pickle and Prepare for Puns: Pickleball's Board Game Just Launched. A fast, fun, irreverent board game that celebrates the joy of Pickleball. Fans of silly puns, pickles, and fast-paced games alike have a new game to add to their list of must-haves: HotShot Pickleball. This delightful card-drawing board game is quick to learn and gives a surprising amount of opportunity to lightly strategize as you race to the ball and attempt to hit it back over the net to your opponent. The debut release from indie studio Midnight Trading Co., HotShot Pickleball was made while game designer Robert Gelb was recovering from an Achilles injury sustained, ironically, by playing Pickleball. For those who haven’t heard of pickleball, it's the fastest-growing sport in the world, with over 32 million players last year. HotShot Pickleball is a lively, family-friendly game that combines the fun of the sport with a cast of quirky, pickle-themed characters like Stew Cumber, Kim Chee, and Corni...

Pokémon GO: Galarian Mr. Mime Ticketed Event

Galarian Mr. Mime; the Dancing Pokémon and its Evolution, Galarian Mr. Rime will soon be coming to Pokémon GO in a ticketed Special Research story event.

If you do not have a ticket, you’ll be able to enjoy encountering Pokémon via Incense and more during the event weekend!

Galarian Mr. Mime will be made available for the first time in Pokémon GO, along with other cool and melodious Pokémon to be attracted to Incense from December 18th until December 21st.

Exclusive Pokémon from Ticketed Events normally are made available to everyone 3-6 months later. However with this being a themed "winter/ice" Pokémon it might not be made available until next year based on the season.


  • Pokémon: Jynx, Swinub, Spoink, Woobat, Cubchoo (including Shiny) will be attacked to Incesne
  • Bonuses: Incense will be more effective at attracting Pokémon and will last for three hours

Special Research Story Event

You can purchase a ticket ($7.99 USD) to gain access to this unique limited-time experience and complete Special Research to earn an encounter with Galarian Mr. Mime Players will also be able to earn enough Mr. Mime Candy to evolve your Galarian Mr. Mime into Mr. Rime.

The Research will last from December 19th until December 20th.


  • Special event medal.
  • New avatar pose inspired by Mr. Mime.
  • Special Research Task Encounters: Alolan Vulpix, Jigglypuff, Jynx, Whismur, Chimecho, and Snorunt.
  • Special Research Rewards: Incense x3, Rare Candies x30, Ultra Balls x30, Premium Battle Passes x3, Poffin x1, Glacial Lure Modules x2, Super Incubators x3, and Star Pieces x3.
  • Exclusive Field Research Task Encounters: Jynx, Lapras, Woobat, and Cubchoo.

Special Research

Tap... Tap... Tappity-Tap...

Tasks 1/5

  • Catch 15 Ice-type Pokémon: Snorunt Encounter
  • Make 3 Great Curveball Throws: Alolan Vulpix Encounter
  • Transfer 10 Pokémon: Incense x3
  • Completion: Stardust x2000, Rare Candy x3, Jynx Encounter

Tasks 2/5

  • Catch 15 Pokémon: Jigglypuff Encounter
  • Spin a Poké Stop or Gym: Whismur Encounter
  • Use 10 Berries to help catch Pokémon Pokémon: 3000 XP
  • Completion: Stardust x2000, Poké Ball x30, Chimecho Encounter

Tasks 3/5

  • Catch 15 Psychic-type Pokémon: Ultra Ball x30
  • Make 3 Nice Curveball Throws in a row: Premium Raid Pass x3
  • Power up Pokémon 3 times: 3000 XP
  • Completion: Stardust x2000, Poffin x1, Galarian Mr. Mime Encounter

Tasks 4/5

  • Earn a heart with your buddy: Mr. Mime Candy x30
  • Earn a Candy walking with your buddy: Mr. Mime Candy x30
  • Evolve a Galarian Mr. Mime: 3000 XP
  • Completion: Stardust x2000, Glacial Lure Module x1, Galarian Mr. Mime Encounter

Tasks 5/5

  • Claim Reward: 3000 XP
  • Claim Reward: 3000 XP
  • Claim Reward: 3000 XP
  • Completion: Super Incubator x3, Star Piece x3, Mime Pose x1


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