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Wacky Wizard Games Imprint and Three New Games Announced by @wwizardgames

Wise Wizard Games announced the launch of Wacky Wizard Games, a new brand imprint focused on family-friendly, lightweight games. Three games are planned for release in 2024 as part of this new brand imprint: Star Realms Academy, Caution Signs, and Pack the Essentials. If you are interested and attending PAX Unplugged they will have prototypes of Caution Signs and Pack the Essentials. "We are super excited to be adding this new family friendly product line to our catalog. We wanted to maintain the focus of Wise Wizard Games on strategy card and dice games with geeky themes, and have created Wacky Wizard Games as an umbrella for lightweight games with a more whimsical, cute vibe," shared Debbie Moynihan, COO of Wise Wizard Games. Star Realms Academy Forge your own star realms, overloaded with cuteness! A kid friendly but still fun for grown-ups version of the popular Star Realms deckbuilding game for 2 players. A little less math, no reading necessary, but still tons of fun! 

Battle Bears Unboxing and Giveaway | OOMM Games

Opening Battle Bears: The Board Game by OOMM Board Games and announcing our giveaway. Be sure to head over to Instagram to learn how to enter.

Have you and up to 5 friends ever crash landed on a hostile planet pursued by a horde of explosive zombie teddy bears and only enough supplies remaining for one of you to make it back off the planet? Have you had to Fight to the Death using your own unique abilities, and with the random weapons and equipment you can find to be the Last One Standing? After dying, have you then come back as a cute zombie teddy bear and attempted to revenge kill your opponents?

Oh, you haven't? Well why not? It's about time you had the experience. BattleBears is coming to your tabletop!

In Battle Bears: The Board Game the goal is to be the last bear standing! Each player takes two actions on their turn. You can shoot, run around picking up items, use a piece of gear or your special ability! At the end of your turn place a huggable swarm to try and trap your enemies. If you die, don’t worry - death isn’t the end! You come back as an even stronger, ultimate huggable set on taking revenge on the ones who destroyed you.


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